Now Available!!
You can experience joy every single day. That is, once you know what joy means to you. Joy Worthy will guide you through the process of asking specific questions that shift your perception and beliefs about what it means to create a joyful life. Each chapter highlights practices and ways of being so that even in the most difficult circumstances, there is still joy. Take it all in. You deserve it.
Others titles encompass some or all aspects of H.E.R.S,
whether it's poetry, fiction or memoir.
Just click the photos to buy or preview
Life lessons came swiftly and hard for Dr. Latoya Bosworth, especially those around self-worth. Though the seeds of self-esteem were planted early in her rearing, it didn’t take long before she was repeatedly cut down by racism, sexism, patriarchy, misogyny, marginalization, and her own internalized oppression. Still, no matter the struggle, Latoya was determined to rise. Her innate curiosity compelled her to question why and refuse to accept “because that’s how it’s always been” as an answer. Her rebellious spirit pushed her to try and prove everyone wrong. Then she decided that instead, she would prove herself right by living life on her terms. Though there are still challenges, there is an abundance of joy, confidence, and freedom.
Getting to free is difficult; staying there is more challenging. There will always be people, norms, or institutions looking to tame your true spirit. Audre Lorde wrote that as Black women, “…if we do not define ourselves for ourselves, we will be defined by others — for their use and to our detriment.” Quiet Strength & Loud Confidence is an anthology of Dr. Bosworth’s personal essays, poems, and personal growth practices, arranged to guide you through the internal and external work of becoming and remaining free. If you already consider yourself free, may this book be a reminder to celebrate that freedom. If you are becoming unchained, may this book be the North Star, the moss of the north side of the tree, the drinking gourd on your way to freedom.
Unabashedly adverb. audaciously, fearlessly; in a manner that is not ashamed, embarrassed, or apologetic; boldly certain in one’s position It’s time for you to claim your rightful place on the throne. You are in control of your life. You make the rules and break them if you choose. Step into your destiny with joy and confidence. Learn to identify your truth and speak it. Fall in love with the brilliant being you are now and the one you are blossoming into. From Girl to Grown is dropping gems on how to find your purpose, build a strong support system, heal from your past, and put yourself first. True to her nature, Dr. Bosworth is transparent and authentic as she shares the personal lessons that helped her evolve into the self-proclaimed Queen of Self-esteem, then arms you with concrete steps for improving your life. Crown up Ladies…it’s time live unabashedly!

Why be selfish when you can be self-full. You cannot pour from an empty cup, so fill yourself up. While you're at it fill the blank pages of this 80 page journal. It includes with quotes about being self-full, perfect for writing prompts.

A JOURNAL... For anyone!
Alice Walker, Author of The Color Purple said, "I think writing really helps you heal yourself.
I think if write long enough, you'll be a healthy person." I agreed, so I created this journal with
quotes from other writers such as Paulo Coelho, Toni Morrison and Anne Frank.

For centuries Black men have been socialized to not acknowledge feelings of grief, anxiety, hurt, and fear. We now understand that to truly be the best
they can be, Black men must allow themselves to feel,not just unpleasant emotions, but also joy and reflection. With quotes from shining examples of black
men of all types, this journal is a starting point.

It’s the dangerous, thankless job, we can’t quit. It is ceaseless. Even after we’ve given our all, we are still bombarded with blame instead of the accolades we deserve. We make miracles happen every day. We are the glue, the hammer, and the nails, which is why people disregard our pleas for respite when we say we are EXHAUSTED. We are black women in America. Creators, Protectors and Defenders. We need a place to vent & be vulnerable.
Older Titles, dating back 15 years. I'm proud of everything I published, even if my views have changed and my writing and editing have improved.
It's about evolution!

In Dwayne’s world family is most important, and boy does he have a lot. He will tell you all about each family members, including his favorite person, his grandmother Ga-Ga. Dwayne will also
teach you new vocabulary words while bringing up important subjects to talk about with your parents in three short stories: Meet Dwayne, Dwayne and His Dad, and Ga-Ga’s Story. This book has average grade reading level of 3.2
Parent Child Discussion Examples:
Talk with your parent or guardian about these topics:
Stereotypes you have heard before and why they might be harmful.
Who is your favorite person?
What does it mean to be a leader?
Vocabulary Examples:
Figure of speech (noun)
A figure of speech is something people use to make what they say or write more understandable. It doesn’t mean exactly what it said or written.
Some examples are:
There are a million people in here.
(There aren’t really a million people, but there are a lot of people)
I’m so tired I could sleep for days.
(You will not really sleep for days)
My throat is as dry as a desert.
(I’m thirsty)
In Ga-Ga’s Story there are two figures of speech. See if you can find them later

Teen mother. Orphan. Economically disadvantaged. Fat. Ghetto. Angry Black Woman. Aggressive. Disenfranchised. Exploitable. Brenda’s Child is determined to break out of every fragile box society has tried to place her in simply because of circumstance. With her latest poetry collection she is defiantly shattering false ideologies and denouncing all of the titles, except the ones she creates herself. Queen of Self-Esteem. Self-Proclaimed Diva. Feminist. Warrior. Educator. Motivator. Nurturer. Bad Ass. Inspired by her experiences and those of her ancestors, Brenda’s Child is her most honest, audacious and self-aware in her writing as ever.

10-year annivesary edition now available!!!
Desiree has been running all of her life from heartache to abuse, from abandonment to shame, from…herself to nowhere. In the sequel to the best-selling novella, Despite Everything, Desiree Cruz has left her physically abusive, cocaine-addicted boyfriend and her long time job of exotic dancer to begin to her journey of self-acceptance and self-love. In order for her to move forward with her future Desiree must first make peace with her tormented past, which began right in the house where she was raised. Through with being the victim. Desiree is ready to chase her dreams. She is on a mission of redemption and for the first time in her life, to stand grounded… ON HER OWN TWO FEET. This book embodies all things H.E.R.S!

Released in 2014, my 3rd collection of poetry is inspired by hip hop and the youth I work with as a teacher and a mentor. In classic Brenda's Child form, the chapters are thematic, but I also include quotes from some of my favorite poets and role models such as Nikki Giovanni, Tupac Shakur & Mary Bethune. I would use two words to describe this anthology: Relevant & Mature
(not the language, just the point of view).
(not the language, just the point of view).

In my 2010 memoir I share the bright side of life’s tragedies and discuss my journey from insecure tomboy to confident role model. Using my real life teen diary entries and more than 12 years of experience working with at-risk youth, I explore the topics of body image, gender roles, sex, death, and alcohol experimentation. Candidly, I describe my inner struggles and how I overcame them with the help of mentors and the artistic outlet of poetry. Great to read along with your sprouting girl and #StartTheConversation about difficult topics.
Buy the
Journal Here!

This is me, uncensored and completely self-aware. Filled with both familiar poems from my performances and never heard pieces, this collection is gritty, fun, and honest as ever. Definitely for grown folks. My second collection has been an Amazon Kindle Best seller continuously.